Tired for looking jobs around?
Don't know where and how to start?
We will do it for you, and find you a job interview within 7 days*!
Just follow the 3 steps below:
1) Email your resume to service@jobo3.com (with title: 7 days)
2) Tell us the location you prefer to work (such as PJ, KL, etc)
3) Tell us 1 to 2 jobs that you wanted most, it can be
'Sales Executive' and 'Marketing Executive'
'Graphic Designer' and 'Art Director'.
Our employers will contact you within 7 days after your submission!
It is a new challenge, but together we can make it different. Let's take action now!
*complete resume, interview will be given priority to those to request for similar job vacancy compare to their previous experience. Fresh grads are also welcome!
JobO3 Recruitment Team